Fractional COO
A fractional COO makes sense when you don't already have an experienced COO and:
You're a fast-growing business and your orders are outpacing your ability to deliver.
You want to groom one of your employees into being COO but you can't afford the time for them to learn the ropes on their own.
Your newly minted COO was a great project manager but they could use mentoring to expand their skills and gain new ones in a broader context.
You don't have the revenue to afford a full-time experienced COO.
You need someone to make sure you're operation is aligned with your objectives and your resources are capable of delivering your goals.
What you get
Immediate relief from constraints holding back your ability to deliver and grow.
An experienced C-level entrepreneurial executive armed with the experience and wisdom to break through logjams of work.
A fully-qualified COO for a fraction of the cost and none of the usual benefits of a full-time employee.
Someone who will be there for only as much time as needed to get you to where you need to be.
A business model canvass showing areas in need of attention.
Other leave-behinds such as standard procedures and tailored practices aligned with operational complexity, a communications, responsibilities and accountabilities matrix, a functioning operating model, and tools and techniques for continuous innovation and improvement.
A trusted advisor who will tell you like it is and help you make decisions about how to best make progress.
What it does for your business
Operations aligned with business goals and objectives.
Predictable performance.
Greater insight into capacity and growth opportunities.
Faster decision-making.
More autonomy among key staff.
Survive growing pains and power through the bend in the hockey stick.
What you get
A clone of your COO only armed with additional experiences, skills, and possibly a completely new set of tools and tricks up their sleeve.
A strategic partner with complete objectivity and no conflicts of interest.
An unambiguous plan of action based on high level business goals and fully built out through an interconnected series of strategies and tactics down to direct actions.
A fully-qualified COO without any of the employee overhead.
A trusted advisor who will tell you like it is and help you make decisions about how to best make progress.
What it does for your business
Force-multiplier for your most key executive(s).
Strategic advice and executive firepower.
Third-party validation of new initiatives and approaches.
Practices tailored to your specific business situation.
Workflows embedded with greater insight into performance.
Decision-making relief for top leaders and executives.
Improved clarity of expected results.
Greater organizational flexibility, responsiveness, innovation, and value creation.
C-Level Advising
Counseling, partnering, mentoring, and coaching make sense when a larger-than-startup company has an experienced COO looking to augment their own capabilities with new or additional help.
This often shows up when the COO:
Is looking for new ideas.
Needs to implement a new way of working.
Wants to take a "divide and conquer" approach to affecting changes.
Is faced with a crisis and needs to pull attention away from parts of the operation.
Is gearing up for a major operational change such as (for examples) M&A, strategic redirection or pivot, spinning out part of the company, or restructuring.
Looking to reformat the operation towards more lean, agile, or other performance approaches.
Traditional Consulting
Traditional consulting makes most sense when you have a specific short-term objective to achieve and you:
Have significant changes to make that require delicate, expert handling.
Need to educate and train your staff to carry out particular plans.
Need organizational-level strategic thinking as well as desk-level implementation help.
Want to pull together a multi-faceted team to tackle a specific problem across several parts of the organization.
Want to create and deploy an organic approach to long-term change.
Would like an outside perspective to provide objective validation of desired changes.
Have an easier time convincing your board to hire consultants than to give the work to your own people.
What you get
An expert team who blend in with your people and get to work.
A mix of traditional and non-traditional methods and solutions matched to your needs.
Laser-focused team free of internal impediments to affecting change.
An unambiguous plan of action based on high level business goals and fully built out through an interconnected series of strategies and tactics down to direct actions.
An executive-leader who can speak at board-level to ensure success.
Hands-on, sleeves rolled-up implementers each of executive caliber.
Trusted advisors who will tell you like it is and help you make decisions about how to best make progress.
What it does for your business
Implements transformation with proven successful techniques.
Strategic advice and executive firepower.
Third-party validation of new initiatives and approaches.
Practices tailored to your specific business situation.
Workflows embedded with greater insight into performance.
Improved clarity of expected results.
Greater organizational flexibility, responsiveness, innovation, and value creation.