Our Story
Destiny? Perhaps.
It all started with an innocent-enough question:
"It's all good on paper, but how does it happen?"
That question from an undergraduate aerospace engineering student in 1990 set in motion a series of career steps that resulted in Entinex being formed in 2001.
Along the way that student learned how the best in the field of product development, engineering, and operations succeeded while also witnessing the foibles of those who struggled. That student, by then a professional with a masters degree, went on to learn the painful lessons of what happens when methods and techniques from one industry are misguidedly applied to other industries. (In particular when standard, structured, manufacturing processes
are imposed on software development.)
In the early Entinex phase, its founder pioneered methods to reconcile lean and agile concepts with heavy government regulations.
This path-finding, explorative approach was applied to fields as diverse as space systems to medical devices, financial systems to radars, insurance to heavy industry. It has also been proven in companies as small as startups and as large as multi-billion, multi-national enterprises.
Companies who need to respond, adapt, innovate, perform, and deliver call Entinex.
About Entinex
Entinex helps companies achieve predictable financial performance in operations.
This means consistency in delivery, flexible responsive organizations, frictionless internal and external interactions, and continually adapting value creation.

Why Do Companies Call Us?
Start-Ups to multi-billion dollar businesses all face the same fundamental challenges.
These challenges reduce to balancing capacity and demand.
The differences are scale, immediacy, and consequences.
They all need to respond to customers.
They all need to adapt easily to changing market forces.
They all need to innovate in the face of competition.
They all need to perform and thrive under all conditions.
And they all need to deliver predictably, consistently, and profitably.
Sometimes they need an overhaul. Sometimes they have someone who needs guidance. And sometimes they need someone to step in, level the wings, pull the nose up, and just bring it in safely to try again another day.
Interestingly, they also all find themselves trying to solve their challenges with more of the same approaches that got them into their current predicaments.
Which is why they need us because we're objective and we bring tools, techniques, knowledge, and experience not commonly found in popular literature or business schools.
About Entinex's Founder
Hillel Glazer
Hillel is a pioneering thought-leader in building bridges between lean and agility and regulated industries. His experience spans industries and borders, and commercial, public, and private enterprises of all sizes. He's founded and folded start-ups and helped propel an array of businesses into hyper productivity and growth. He has been a visiting research scientist and is graduate faculty of engineering management. Hillel is also a TEDCO MII Site Miner at UMBC where he helps researchers obtain grants to commercialize their lab projects into startup companies, as well as an Entrepreneur in Residence at the bwtech@UMBC technology incubator.
When not working for clients Hillel is an I•Corps mentor, MTC VMS mentor, and TEDCO loaned executive. For fun and spiritual rewards he volunteers to fly household pets away from imminent danger of euthanasia as well as flying women to urgent prenatal care from jurisdictions where such care is restricted. When not flying, he's a dedicated father of four, husband of one, and avid aviation podcast participant, music-lover, and pianist.
5520 Research Park Drive, Ste 100
Catonsville, MD 21228